If you require a special meal to suit medical, religious, dietary or other specific needs, we offer a wide choice of different meals. These meals can be ordered free of charge on all our long-haul flights and in Business Class on short-haul flights.
Which special meals are served?
Type of mealDescription Diabetic mealSugar-free meal.Low-calorie mealMeal prepared with low-calorie products; no pasta, baked goods or cream.Low-fat mealLight meal with low fat products and low cholesterol.Gluten-free mealMeal without cereals (wheat, rye, barley, oats) or starchy foods.Lactose-free meal Meal without dairy products.Low sodium mealSalt-free meal; low fat, no alcohol.
Type of mealDescription Muslim mealMeal without pork or game; all meat and poultry are certified as halal. Kosher mealMeal prepared, packed and sealed under the supervision of a rabbi.Hindu mealMeal prepared in accordance with the Hindu religion; doesn’t contain beef. Jain mealMeal prepared in accordance with the customs of Indian Jainism: no meat, egg products, onions, garlic, ginger, mushrooms or root vegetables.
Type of mealDescription Vegan mealNo meat or fish products, no alcohol, no dairy products or eggs. Vegetarian lacto-ovo meal Meal without meat or fish; may contain dairy and egg products. Vegetarian Oriental mealChinese-style vegetarian meal.Vegetarian Asian meal Asian-style vegetarian meal.
How do I request a special meal?
You can request your special meal online when booking your flight(s). If you haven’t selected your special meal during your booking, you can still order one the latest 48 hours before departure.
Request a special meal
Good to know
We recognise that there are passengers who are allergic to nuts, for example. Passengers are advised that we serve nut products on board and that there may be trace elements of unspecified nut ingredients in meals and snacks. In addition, other passengers may bring nuts on board. As such, we're not able to guarantee a nut-free environment on a Brussels Airlines-operated flight.