Our Electronic Whistleblowing System
Economic crimes and other illegal business practices are extremely damaging for those affected, Brussels Airlines and society. Your report can help to discover risks and detect misconduct, put an end to it and prevent damage from happening.
If you have reasonable grounds to suspect that employees or executives of Brussels Airlines are committing compliance violations such as:
- economic crimes (corruption, fraud, embezzlement, money laundering, tax fraud, social fraud, etc.)
- infringements of competition, anti-trust and state aid laws
- insider trading or market manipulation
- conflicts of interest
- embargo or export control breaches
- data protection violations
Please use our electronic whistleblowing system.*
Electronic Whistleblowing System
With the help of our electronic whistleblowing system you can easily, safely and if you wish anonymously report an incident. The system enables you to send encrypted and secure messages to Brussels Airlines Corporate Compliance Office.
* Please note: The electronic whistleblowing system does not provide any services to customers. For example it does not handle, receive or forward any complaints concerning flight and baggage irregularities or questions about your bookings.