Do you need to carry items that won’t fit in your carry-on baggage? Find out the checked baggage allowance for your itinerary and travel in comfort to your destination.
How much baggage can I check in?
Your checked baggage allowance depends on your travel class, route and frequent flyer status. Our baggage calculator will help you find out how much checked baggage you may bring on your flight. You can also find information about your free baggage allowance on your ticket or booking confirmation or via My Booking.
Economy Class Premium Economy Class Business ClassBaggage calculator2x2x23kg per piece23kg per piecemax. 32kg per piecemax. 158 cm or 62.2 in (a + b + c, pockets, wheels and handles included) max. 158 cm or 62.2 in (a + b + c, pockets, wheels and handles included) max. 158 cm or 62.2 in (a + b + c, pockets, wheels and handles included)
What if I exceed the limits for checked baggage?
If you wish to carry more checked baggage than your free allowance, you can purchase extra baggage in advance.
In case you didn’t buy extra baggage and you exceed your free baggage allowance, you will be charged for extra baggage. You can find the extra baggage fees in our baggage calculator.
How can I buy extra baggage?
You can buy up to max. 5 pieces of baggage (sum of your free baggage allowance and purchased extra baggage).
Extra baggage can be purchased up to 2 hours before departure and needs to be added before check-in. You’ll get the cheapest price on, via our Service Centre or social media. At the airport, higher fees are applied.
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Good to know
Infants (aged 0 – 23 months) are entitled to one free piece of checked baggage of max. 23kg, except when travelling in Economy Light. If a checked bag is needed for the infant travelling in this travel class, the accompanying adult can add an extra piece of baggage to his/her own booking for their infant via My Booking.
Children (aged 2 – 11) are entitled to the same free baggage allowance as adults, depending on the travel class.
You may also check in, free of charge, one of the following items:
1 infant's carrying basket
1 car seat
1 fully collapsible stroller/pushchair, which may be used up to the aircraft door but put in the hold during the flight (applicable also for Economy Light)
Checked baggage for connecting flights
For connecting flights that are fully operated by Brussels Airlines, you won’t have to worry about your checked baggage, it will be automatically checked through to your connecting flight. In this case, you can simply pick up your baggage at your final destination.
But for connecting flights operated by partner airlines, you may have to pick up your checked baggage at your connecting airport and check it in for your next flight.
Checked baggage on partner airline flights
If one of our codeshare partners operates your flight, their baggage rules and regulations may apply. Check the baggage information on your ticket or the website of our partner airline for more information. For tickets that include airlines other than Brussels Airlines, the Most Significant Carrier Rule applies.
Restrictions on electronic devices in checked baggage
For battery-powered devices, there are certain restrictions on what you can and can’t pack in your checked baggage. Some common devices that are not allowed in your checked baggage or that require approval from our dangerous goods department are:
Power banks
Spare batteries
Drones and cameras
Segways, scooters, hoverboards and similar self-balancing devices
Other restricted or forbidden objects
In general, any item that may damage the aircraft and endanger the safety of everyone on board, is not allowed in your checked baggage. We also recommend not packing fragile objects (glass, ceramics, artwork, etc.) or valuable items (keys, jewellery, documents, etc.) in your checked baggage.
Consult our Dangerous Goods page for more about restricted and prohibited items.