Flights from Spain: for claims made within the scope of application of Law 7/2017 of 2 November and Order TMA/201/2022 of 14 March, if you are not satisfied with the resolution proposed by Brussels Airlines, or if you have not received a response within one (1) month from the date of submission, you may appeal to the national air safety agency (AESA, 71 for alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in accordance with the applicable regulations of the European Union on the protection of air transport users (Reg. (EC) 261/2004 and Reg. (EC) 1107/2006). This procedure expressly excludes claims for baggage and damages additional to the objective compensation established in the aforementioned regulations or other clauses of the carriage contract. AESA will not admit claims submitted more than one (1) year after submission of the previous claim to Brussels Airlines. The decision adopted by AESA in ADR is binding for Brussels Airlines.